Matamata RC 7 October 2023 – R4 – Crystal Lindsay

ID: RIB28168

Crystal Lindsay - Apprentice Jockey

Mr B Jones – Senior Stipendiary Steward

Mr Adam Smith (Chair), G Jones

Persons Present:
Mr A Dooley - Stipendiary Steward, Ms T Newman - assisting Ms Lindsay

Information Number:

Decision Type:
Race Related Charge

Careless Riding

638(1)(d) - Riding/driving infringement


Animal Name:


Race Date:

Race Club:
Matamata Racing Club

Race Location:
Matamata Racecourse - 7555 State Highway 27, R D 3, Matamata, 3440

Race Number:

Hearing Date:

Hearing Location:
Matamata Racecourse

Outcome: Proved

Penalty: Apprentice Jockey Crystal Lindsay is suspended 4 days


This charge arises from the running of Race 4. Senior Stipendiary Steward, Mr B Jones filed an Information pursuant to Rule 638(1)(d) alleging Apprentice Rider Ms C Lindsay (WINDSPEED), “permitted her mount to shift inwards when not sufficiently clear of BEEBEEP which had to be checked over the concluding stages.

Ms Lindsay acknowledged she understood the Rule and confirmed her admission of the breach. She was assisted at the hearing by Ms T Newman.

Rule 638(1)(d) provides: A Rider shall not ride a horse in a manner which the Adjudicative Committee considers to be careless.

Using the available race films, Mr Dooley demonstrated the incident and identified the horses and Riders concerned.

Mr Dooley told the Adjudicative Committee that over the concluding stages of the race, WINDSPEED was racing three off the rails and whilst being ridden forward, laid in on three occasions. He said that Ms Lindsay straightened her mount on the first 2 occasions, but on the third, shifted into the line of BEEBEEP, who’s Rider had to take a firm hold to avoid WINDSPEED’S heels and was checked.

In response, Ms Lindsay agreed with the Stewards’ assessment of the incident, but said that it was obvious her horse was hanging in. She added that SCREAMIN EAGLE (M Sanson) who was racing on the rails, shifted out and contributed to the incident.


As Ms Lindsay admitted the breach, the Adjudicative Committee found the charge proved.

Submissions for Penalty:

Mr Jones submitted that Ms Lindsay had two previous breaches;

14/9/23 – 5 days

1/4/23 – 6 days

He added that Ms Lindsay has had 107 rides in the past 12 months and assessed the breach to be in the low to mid range.

Ms Lindsay said as an Apprentice, she doesn’t get many opportunities and submitted that a contributing factor to the interference suffered to BEEBEEP, was that SCREAMIN EAGLE was hanging out. Ms Lindsay initially indicated that she could commence any suspension immediately, but then later advised the Adjudicative Committee that she would be seeking a deferment until after racing on the 12th of October.

Reasons for Penalty:

After considering the submissions and reviewing the race film, the Adjudicative Committee determined Ms Lindsay’s carelessness to be low-range and adopted a 5-day (suspension) as the starting point.

The available films clearly established that Ms Lindsay allowed her mount to shift into the line of BEEBEEP, who was checked. It was also noted that SCREAMIN EAGLE shifted out 1 horse width and this (in the opinion of the Adjudicative Committee) was a contributing factor in terms of the consequences. For Ms Lindsay’s combined record and admission of the breach, the Adjudicative Committee afforded Ms Lindsay a 1 day discount.


The Adjudicative Committee granted Ms Lindsay a deferment to her suspension. Accordingly, her Licence to ride in races is suspended for a period of 4 days, commencing after racing on 12th October 2023 and concluding after racing on 19th October 2023 (4 national days).

Decision Date: 07/10/2023

Publish Date: 09/10/2023