Appeal a decision
If you wish to appeal a Racing Integrity Board decision, complete and submit a Notice of Appeal.
Appeals against race day decisions must be lodged by 4pm on the third working day after the date on which the decision was given. Appeals against other decisions must be lodged by 4pm on the fourteenth calendar day after the day on which the decision was given.
Request for review
Request a review of a greyhound decision made by the Racing Integrity Board. A review must be submitted no later than 4pm of the fourteenth day after the decision was made. To request a review complete and submit a Request for Review.
Apply for an exemption if you are barred from entering a racecourse
If you are barred from entering racecourses in New Zealand you can apply for an exemption by completing the APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION.
Your application must include a copy of your current criminal record check which is provided by the Ministry of Justice. Request a copy of your Criminal record check,
Send your completed application form and the copy of your criminal record check to: Exemption Application, Racing Integrity Board, Private Bag 17902 Greenlane, Auckland 1546
RIB Veterinary Clearance Certificate
Click the link to view and download the file to complete the RIB Veterinary Clearance Certificate
Please return the completed certificate to the raceday Stewards by email (or as a signed printed copy).