Auckland TR 9 December 2023 – R9 – Billy Jacobson

ID: RIB30609

Billy Jacobson - Jockey

Mr B Jones – Senior Stipendiary Steward

Mr Adam Smith (Chair), G Jones

Information Number:

Decision Type:
Race Related Charge

Consecutive Whip Use

638(3)(g)(ii) - Contravention whip rule


Animal Name:


Race Date:

Race Club:
Auckland Thoroughbred Racing

Race Location:
Pukekohe Park - 222/250 Manukau Road, Pukekohe Hill, Pukekohe, 2120

Race Number:

Hearing Date:

Hearing Location:
Pukekohe Park Racecourse

Outcome: Proved

Penalty: Jockey Billy Jacobson is fined $350


Following the running of Race 9, the Respondent Billy Jacobson, Rider, admitted a charge alleging consecutive whip use in the home straight.

Rule 638(3)(g)(ii) provides that in a Flat Race a Rider must not:

(ii) strike a horse with a whip in consecutive strides at any stage of the race.

Using the available race films, Mr Jones demonstrated that the Respondent struck his mount consecutively for two strikes near the 50m.

Mr Jacobson offered no comment.


As the Respondent admitted the breach, the Adjudicative Committee finds the breach proved (Rule 915(1)(d) refers).

Submissions for Penalty

Mr Jones produced the Respondent’s record which indicated this was his 3rd breach. His first breach resulted in a warning and his 2nd breach had occurred in his previous ride in Race 3 on this particular Raceday.

Mr Jacobson has had 42 rides in the previous 6 months.

Mr Jones said that the Adjudicative Committee may consider it an aggravating factor that Mr Jacobson went on to win the race.

Mr Jacobson queried whether an uplift from a starting point for a riding breach had occurred previously.

The Adjudicative Committee confirmed that numerous factors are considered when assessing penalty.

Reasons for Penalty

The films were clear, the Respondent did strike his mount on 2 occasions consecutively at the 50m mark.

The Guidelines provide for a $300 fine for a 3rd breach of the Consecutive Whip Rule for 2 strikes.

When considering penalty, the Adjudicative Committee had regard for the fact that Mr Jacobson had breached the same Rule at his previous ride, this was considered an aggravating factor and a small uplift was applied.


The Respondent is fined $350.

Decision Date: 09/12/2023

Publish Date: 11/12/2023