Auckland TR 9 December 2023 – R5 – Tegan Abel

ID: RIB30603

Tegan Abel - Apprentice Jockey

Mr B Jones – Senior Stipendiary Steward

Mr Adam Smith (Chair), G Jones

Persons Present:
Mrs L Selvakumaran - Stipendiary Steward, Mr N Harris - Apprentice Rider Mentor

Information Number:

Decision Type:
Race Related Charge

Careless Riding

638(1)(d) - Riding/driving infringement


Animal Name:


Race Date:

Race Club:
Auckland Thoroughbred Racing

Race Location:
Pukekohe Park - 222/250 Manukau Road, Pukekohe Hill, Pukekohe, 2120

Race Number:

Hearing Date:

Hearing Location:
Pukekohe Park Racecourse

Outcome: Proved

Penalty: Apprentice Jockey Tegan Abel is suspended 4 days


Following the running of Race 5, the Respondent Class B Rider Tegan Abel admitted a charge of careless riding which was filed pursuant to Rule 638(1)(d).  The Information alleged that as the Rider of SUPER DAISY, she allowed her mount to shift outwards when not sufficiently clear of LA RUCHE, which had to be checked near the 150m. 

The Respondent acknowledged she understood the Rule and confirmed her admission of the breach. Apprentice Mentor Noel Harris was present to assist.

Rule 638(1)(d) provides: A Rider shall not ride a horse in a manner which the Adjudicative Committee considers to be careless.

Using the available race films, Stipendiary Steward L Selvakumaran said that Ms Abel was riding forward with the whip when her mount commenced to lay outwards under pressure. She continued to ride forward with the whip, and her horse shifted into the running line of LA RUCHE, who was checked. At the time of shifting out, Ms Selvakumaran said she was only ¾ length clear.

In response, Ms Abel said it was the first time SUPER DAISY had raced in visor blinkers, and she had a hard run and was tiring.

Mr Harris added that her mount rolled out when she used her whip, and in such circumstances, she should have straightened.


As the Respondent admitted the breach, the Adjudicative Committee finds the breach proved.

Submission for Penalty:

Stipendiary Steward B Jones produced the Respondent’s riding record, which indicated a clear record. He said Ms Abel had never been charged with careless riding and had ridden 118 times in the last 12 months.

Stipendiary Steward B Jones said Stewards assessed the level of carelessness to be in the low-mid range.

The Respondent advised of riding engagements through until the 16th of December and had nothing further to add in relation to penalty.

Reasons for Penalty:

After considering all submissions, the Adjudicative Committee determined the Respondent’s carelessness to be in the low-mid range and adopted 6-day (suspension) as the starting point. This conforms with the NZTR Penalty Guide (as of 1 March 2022).

The available films clearly established that the Respondent continued to ride her mount forward when it was shifting ground, when she ought to have straightened her mount. SUPER DAISY shifted out approximately 3 horse widths and placed the trailing runner LA RUCHE, in an awkward position for several strides, with its Rider having to take a firm hold.

The Respondent’s riding record is excellent, and this combined with the admission of the breach, affords Ms Abel a 2 day reduction from the starting point.

After consideration of the above factors, a 4 day suspension was imposed.


The Respondent’s request for a deferment is granted and her Licence to ride in races is suspended for a period of 4 days commencing after racing on the 16th of December, and concluding after racing on the 23rd of December.

Decision Date: 09/12/2023

Publish Date: 11/12/2023