Ashburton TC 11 August 2024 – R5 – GOTTA ELECT BILL

ID: RIB45203

Wilson Joseph House - Junior Driver

Mr Nigel McIntyre - Chief Stipendiary Steward

Dave Anderson

Persons Present:
Mr Shane Renault - Chief Stipendiary Steward, Mr McIntyre and Mr House

Information Number:

Decision Type:

869(7B) - Riding/driving infringement - Home Straight Regulations


Gaining an advantage by racing inside the final track marker

Animal Name:


Race Date:

Race Club:
Ashburton Trotting Club

Race Location:
Ashburton Racecourse - Racecourse Road, Ashburton, 7700

Race Number:

Hearing Date:

Hearing Location:
Ashburton Raceway

Outcome: Protest Dismissed

Penalty: N/A


Following the running of Race 5, the LES & THE HUNTERS MOBILE PACE, Chief Stipendiary Steward Mr Nigel McIntyre presented an Information, by way of a protest, alleging Number 4 GOTTA ELECT BILL (Wilson House) had gained an advantage by racing inside the final track marker prior to the passing lane.

Rule 869(7B) provides:

(7B) Where any horse or its sulky wheel moves inside the track marker line and gains an advantage the horse shall be disqualified from that race or relegated to behind any horse in respect of which an advantage may have been gained except where it is established that the breach was caused by interference by another horse or driver.

Mr McIntyre played the final straight video and identified GOTTA ELECT BILL in the trail position, just prior to the field approaching the 300m. He pointed to GOTTA ELECT BILL move into the passing lane, but in doing so, its sulky wheel has protruded inside the final pylon and the horse has gone on and won the race.

Mr McIntyre said because the winning margin is a neck, he would leave it to the Adjudicative Committee to determine if there was enough advantage gained to either disqualify or relegate the horse from the race or, if indeed, it has gained an advantage at all.

Mr House said he had disadvantaged himself by presenting the horse too early in the run home, as the horse has dashed clear and pulled up with 150m to run.


The Adjudicative Committee viewed the replay of the final straight video many times. It agrees with Mr McIntyre, that GOTTA ELECT BILL has entered the passing lane a stride before it was entitled to.

The horses figuring in the finish of the race suffered no interference, so the only question to consider is, did GOTTA ELECT BILL gain enough of an advantage for the Adjudicative Committee to consider a disqualification or relegation.

The Adjudicative Committee’s observations are GOTTA ELECT BILL has kicked clear halfway down the home straight, but at this juncture, begins to loaf, allowing the field to close on it approaching the winning post. The winning margin of a neck may appear to flatter the place getters, as GOTTA ELECT BILL rallies again to comfortably hold them at the line.

Any advantage GOTTA ELECT BILL may have gained at the entrance to the passing lane is minimal and certainly not enough to satisfy this Adjudicative Committee to consider any action against it.


Accordingly, the protest was dismissed.

Decision Date: 11/08/2024

Publish Date: 13/08/2024