The Minister for Racing, Rt Hon Winston Peters, has today announced the appointment Mr Aaron Lloyd as a new member of the Racing Integrity Board for a three-year term of office.
“The Racing Integrity Board was established as an independent body under the Racing Industry Act 2020 and is charged with promoting and ensuring high standards of animal welfare, integrity, and professionalism by those in the racing industry. The Board was established on 1 July 2021 and formed part of a fresh start for the industry,” says Minister Peters.
“The industry contributes approximately $1.9 billion annually to the New Zealand economy and generates 15,000 full time jobs. New Zealanders expect racing to be safe for the animals involved and fair for punters. The Board helps provide this assurance, which can only be good for the racing industry.”
Mr Lloyd will fill the vacancy left by Kristy McDonald ONZM KC, who resigned from the Board in December 2023.
“Mr Lloyd is an experienced legal practitioner and one of New Zealand’s top sports law experts. He is internationally recognised for his work on sports integrity matters. He is currently the Judicial Chair of New Zealand Netball and Rugby League and was previously appointed by World Rugby to act as independent counsel for the Japan Rugby World Cup in 2019 and the France Rugby World Cup in 2023.”
“I anticipate Mr Lloyd will bring valuable new insights to the board from his international legal expertise in sports which will translate well to a racing integrity space. I offer Mr Lloyd my full support during his term of appointment.”
Mr Lloyds’ appointment commenced on 10 June 2024 and expire on 9 June 2027.