Whangarei RC 13 July 2024 – R1 – Sam Spratt
ID: RIB44306
Animal Name:
Race Date:
Race Club:
Whangarei Racing Club
Race Location:
Ruakaka Racecourse - Peter Snell Road, Ruakaka, 0151
Race Number:
Hearing Date:
Hearing Location:
Ruakaka Racing Club
Outcome: Proved
Penalty: Jockey Samantha Spratt is fined $500
Following the running of Race 1, the Respondent Class A Rider Ms S Spratt admitted a charge alleging excessive whip use prior to the 100 metres.
The Information alleged that Ms Spratt struck her mount PATRICIA 8 times prior to the 100 metres.
Rule 638(3)(g)(i) provides that in a Flat Race a Rider must not:
(i) strike a horse with a whip more than 5 times prior to the 100-metre mark (other than in a slapping motion down the shoulder with the whip hand remaining on the reins); or
Using the available race films, Mrs Selvakumaran demonstrated that Ms Spratt struck her mount (PATRICIA) 8 times from the straight entrance to the 100-metre mark.
Ms Spratt agreed with the Stewards’ interpretation of the breach.
As Ms Spratt admitted the breach, the Adjudicative Committee finds the breach proved.
Submissions for Penalty
Mr Dooley advised that Ms Spratt has a clear record with regards to whip breaches within the reset period. He submitted that the Penalty Guide provides a $500 fine and recommended that this would be an appropriate penalty.
Ms Spratt had nothing further to add.
Reasons for Penalty
The Penalty Guide starting point for a breach of this nature is a fine of $500.
After reviewing the films, it was noted that Ms Spratt’s mount finished the race off strongly and won the race by a narrow margin. Also, over the concluding 100 metres, she struck her mount a further three times. The additional three strikes were not deemed as being excessive, or forceful, nor were they considered to have been a determinative factor in her winning the race.
Ms Spratt is a very busy Northern Rider who has maintained a clear record with regards to whip breaches this season. Accordingly, there are no compelling reasons to deviate from the $500 fine starting point.
Class A Rider Ms Spratt is fined $500.
Decision Date: 13/07/2024
Publish Date: 15/07/2024