Rangiora HRC 28 August 2022 – R1 – Cheree Wigg
ID: RIB10729
Animal Name:
Race Date:
Race Club:
Rangiora Harness Racing Club
Race Location:
Rangiora Racecourse - 312 Lehmans Road, Fernside, Rangiora, 7440
Race Number:
Hearing Date:
Hearing Location:
Rangiora Raceway
Outcome: Proved
Penalty: Amateur Driver Cheree Wigg is suspended for 1 month.
Summary of Facts:
Following the running of Race 1, Respondent Cheree Wigg admitted a breach of Whip Rule 869(2). The particulars of the charge were Ms Wigg used her whip on one occasion free of the rein in the run home.
Miss Wigg said she was conversant with the Rule and understood the charge.
Rule 869 provides that:
(2) No driver shall during any race use a whip in a manner in contravention of the Use of the Whip Regulations made by the Board.
Stipendiary Steward Mr Renault used available video footage to demonstrate the breach. He showed Miss Wigg activating ear plugs mid-straight and striking her horse once free of the rein.
In response, the Respondent advised the Adjudicative Committee she had nothing to add.
The charge is admitted and therefore proved.
Submission For Penalty:
Mr Renault produced the Respondent Miss Wigg’s record which indicated a previous breach on 24 June 2022.
Mr Renault said that Stewards assessed the breach to be low-level, and submitted because of the repeated offending that it be dealt with by way of a suspension of 4 days. Mr Renault said Amatuer Drivers are normally suspended for the 2 races that are available to them each month, but Miss Wigg can be considered a Driver who drives in all races in both the South Island and North Island.
The Respondent made no submissions on the Penalty.
Reasons For Penalty:
After consideration of the evidence from all parties concerned and viewing the race films of the concluding stages of the race, the Adjudicative Committee assessed the breach as low level and considering this being a second breach, a suspension is warranted.
The record of Miss Wigg confirms she drives in almost all of the Amateur races throughout the country and with regard to Mr Renault’s submissions, allows Miss Wigg’s suspension to be calculated at 4 days of driving per month. The Adjudicative Committee finds a 4-day sanction relating to a one-month suspension to be an appropriate penalty in this case.
The Respondent’s licence to drive is suspended from 29 August 2022 until 28 September 2022 inclusive.
Decision Date: 28/08/2022
Publish Date: 30/08/2022