R Rotorua 27 October 2022 – R6 – Kelsey Hannan

ID: RIB12057

Kelsey Hannan - Apprentice Jockey

Mr A Dooley - Stipendiary Steward

Hon J W Gendall KC

Persons Present:
Mr A Dooley, Mr B Jones - Stipendiary Steward, Ms K Hannan assisted by Mr N Harris

Information Number:

Decision Type:
Race Related Charge

Careless Riding

638(1)(d) - Riding/driving infringement


Animal Name:


Race Date:

Race Club:
Rotorua Racing Club

Race Location:
Arawa Park Racecourse - 274 - 287 Fenton Street, Glenhome, Rotorua, 3010

Race Number:

Hearing Date:

Hearing Location:

Outcome: Proved

Penalty: Apprentice Jockey Kelsey Hannan - 3 weeks suspension


Following the running of Race 6, the NZB Insurance Pearl Services Race, Mr Dooley presented an Information charging Ms Hannan with careless riding, in breach of Rule 638(1)(d).

It was alleged that she “allowed her mount “IMPREVU” to shift outwards when not sufficiently clear of “HOLY ORANGE”, which clipped a heel and blundered, dislodging its Rider near the winning post.”

Mr Harris, on behalf of Ms Hannan, said that it was not quite correct to describe her actions as “allowing” the shift outwards, but rather it was careless in not sufficiently correcting the wayward tendency of the mount.

Mr Jones demonstrated the incident from the race film.  Inside the final 100 metres of the race “IMPREVU” (Ms Hannan) was challenging for the lead on the inside of “HOLY ORANGE” (Mr A Lawson-Carroll) into “KIND WISH” (Mr J Kamaruddin) on the outside.  The horses were in tight quarters.  When “IMPREVU” was properly ridden with the whip it gradually shifted outwards.  This horse has had a propensity in the past to drift when under pressure.  It was travelling better than the other two horses and crossed in front of “HOLY ORANGE” very near the finish, but when not sufficiently clear (from 3/4 to 1 length in front).  As a consequence, it clipped a heel of “IMPREVU”, stumbled and dislodged Mr A Lawson-Carroll although he maintained contact with his mount until after the winning post.

The placings were “IMPREVU” first, “KIND WISH” second and “HOLY ORANGE” third.

The nature of Ms Hannan’s carelessness was obviously not deliberate nor by her actively directing her mount outwards.  Rather it was inattention in not correcting the ultimate wayward movement of her mount.


As the charge was admitted, it was deemed proved.

Submissions for Penalty:

Mr Dooley advised that Ms Hannan is a very busy Apprentice Rider having had 232 rides since commencing her career early this year.  She has a good record with only one previous breach of the Rule.

Mr Harris advised that Ms Hannan was a very promising Apprentice and her breach was contributed to by the horse’s tendency to shift, making it a difficult ride in the final stages.

Reasons for Penalty:

As the Adjudicative Committee advised Ms Hannan, the penalty “starting point” for careless riding which causes a fall is a suspension of 4 weeks.  That is invariable imposed, and reference was made to this occurring in 5 other cases including Senior Riders over the past 2 years.  There can be aggravating factors which lead to an increase from that starting point (eg the recent breach by Mr O Bosson which led to a final suspension of 6 weeks).  Likewise there may be mitigating factors which, when assessed against any aggravation and all the circumstances, justify some decrease.

In this case there are no aggravating factors.  The dislodging of a Rider is incorporated into the starting point.  Mitigating matters which are taken into account are:

  • Ms Hannan’s excellent record over a very busy time since she commenced riding earlier this year.
  • The difficulties occurring during the ride when in tight quarters and contributed by the horse’s propensity (known to have occurred in the past) to drift off its line.

A discount from the starting point is warranted to reflect those mitigating matters.  It is fixed at 1 week.


Accordingly, Ms Hannan’s licence to ride is suspended for 3 weeks.  It’s commencement is deferred, in accordance with the Rules (because of riding commitments within the next 10 days).  It will commence at the conclusion of racing on 6 November 2022 and end at the conclusion of racing on 27 November 2022.

Decision Date: 27/10/2022

Publish Date: 31/10/2022