Auckland TR 19 October 2024 – R1 – Niranjan Parmar

ID: RIB47450

Niranjan Singh Parmar - Apprentice Jockey

Mr B Jones - Senior Stipendiary Steward

Mr A Smith (Chair), Mr D Botherway

Persons Present:
Mr J Oatham - Chief Stipendiary Steward, Mr P Richards - assisting Mr Parmar

Information Number:

Decision Type:
Race Related Charge

Careless Riding

638(1)(d) - Riding/driving infringement


Animal Name:


Race Date:

Race Club:
Auckland Thoroughbred Racing

Race Location:
Ellerslie Racecourse - 100 Ascot Ave, Ellerslie, Auckland, 1050

Race Number:

Hearing Date:

Hearing Location:
Ellerslie Racecourse

Outcome: Proved

Penalty: Apprentice Jockey Niranjan Parmar is suspended for 8 days


Following the running of Race 1, the Respondent Apprentice Rider N Parmar admitted a charge of careless riding which was filed pursuant to Rule 638(1)(d).  The Information alleged that as the Rider of SHOOTING STRIDE, he allowed his mount to shift inwards when not sufficiently clear of LUCA TIVA, which was dictated inwards, crowding AMAZING FLUKE onto LOOSE CHANGE, which was checked near the 1100m. 

The Respondent acknowledged he understood the Rule and confirmed his admission of the breach. Mr Paul Richards was present to assist.

Rule 638(1)(d) provides: A Rider shall not ride a horse in a manner which the Adjudicative Committee considers to be careless.

Using the available race films, Chief Stipendiary Steward J Oatham demonstrated the incident and identified the horses and Riders concerned. He said that Mr Parmar was towards the lead in a 4 wide position and commenced to shift down to get closer to the rail. He said that during this manoeuvre, he was also commencing to ease slightly and as a result, got into the running line of LUCA TIVA, which was dictated inwards, causing crowding and interference to AMAZING FLUKE and LOOSE CHANGE. He said that Mr Parmar was only ever a bare length clear.

In response, Mr Parmar said he was a little unlucky, he said he looked to his inside on 4 occasions, and the pace went out of the race, which contributed to the incident.

Mr Richards said, given that the pace went out of the race at the time of the incident, this should be considered a mitigating factor.


As the Respondent admitted the breach, the Adjudicative Committee finds the breach proved.

Submissions for Penalty:

Senior Stipendiary Steward B Jones produced the Respondent’s riding record, which indicated 5  previous breaches under the Careless Riding Rule in the last 12 months. These were:

13/6/24  – 9 days

6/6/24 – 6 days

6/4/24 – 6 days

3/2/24 – 7 days

31/1/24 – 3.5 weeks

Mr Parmar has had 419 mounts in the past 12 months.

Stipendiary Steward B Jones said Stewards assessed the level of carelessness to be in the low-mid range and the Adjudicative Committee needed to consider Mr Parmar’s record, which they consider to be poor.

The Respondent advised of riding engagements through until 24/10/24 and sought a deferment to any proposed suspension.

In terms of any proposed penalty, the Respondent had no submissions.

Reasons for Penalty:

After considering all submissions, the Adjudicative Committee determined the Respondent’s carelessness to be in the low – mid range and adopted a 6-day (suspension) as the starting point. This conforms with the NZTR Penalty Guide (as of 1 March 2022).

The available films clearly established that the Respondent shifted inwards, when not sufficiently clear of the horses to his inside, causing tightening to several runners. Compounding the interference, was the fact that Mr Parmar’s mount was easing as it crossed the field. Having regard for Mr Parmar’s and Mr Richard’s comments regarding the pace coming out of the race, it should be noted that Mr Parmar contributed to this, as he was towards the lead.

Mr Parmar’s record is very poor, having 6 careless riding charges in the last 9 months and considered a significant aggravating factor.

Having considered the level of carelessness, Mr Parmar’s admission, riding status and record, the Adjudictive Committee determined that a 2 day uplift to the starting point is appropriate.


Mr Parmar’s request for a deferment is granted and his Licence to ride in races is suspended for a period of 8 days, commencing after racing on 24/10/24 and concluding after racing on 6/11/24.

Decision Date: 19/10/2024

Publish Date: 21/10/2024