
30 May – 5 June

Rider Penalties A Goindasamy | Cambridge 1 June; careless riding; suspended 5-11 June inclusive. R Elliot | Cambridge 1 June; failed to make weight; fined $400. B May | Canterbury 3 June; excessive use of whip; suspended 13-24 June inclusive. K Chowdhoory | Canterbury 3 June; ...

23 May – 29 May

Rider Penalties T Moki | Avondale 25 May; failed to make weight; suspended 26 May – 17 June inclusive and fined $300. J Riddell | Avondale 25 May; excessive use of whip; suspended 5-6 June inclusive and fined $500. M Cropp | Avondale 25 May; excessive use of whip; fined $250. T ...

16 May – 22 May

Rider Penalties C Jones | Cambridge 18 May; excessive use of whip; fined $250. K Chowdhoory | Canterbury 19 May; excessive use of whip; fined $300. K Hannan | Waikato 21 May; failed to ride mount to finish; suspended 22 May – 4 June inclusive. J Riddell | Waikato 21 May; careless ...

Racing Rotorua – Saturday, 14 May 2022

Race 7 ITM ROTORUA 2200 ULAANBAATAR (M McNab) – Stable representative Mr. R Mildon reported to Stewards the stable was satisfied with the post-race condition of the gelding and it is the stables intention to continue on with ULAANBAATAR’S current preparation. Race 8 RYDGES ROTORUA STAKES ...

Taranaki Racing Inc @ Hawera – Saturday, 14 May 2022

Race 4 HIREPOOL MDN 1400 SHE’S PATSY (T Taiaroa) – Trainer Mr. M Dixon reported to Stewards he was satisfied with the post-race condition of the mare, and his intention is to continue on with SHE’S PATSY’S current preparation and may look to apply blinkers prior to the mare’s next race day start.

Matamata Racing Club – Friday, 13 May 2022

Race 3 NZB INSURANCE PEARL SERIES MAIDEN RACE 1200 EPIPHANY (W Pinn) – Stable representative Mr. R Mildon advised Stewards EPIPANY underwent a chiropractor examination on Monday 16 May which revealed no abnormalities. R Mildon further advised it is the stables intention to continue on with ...

Wanganui Jockey Club – Thursday, 12 May 2022

Race 9 PALAMOUNTAINS NUTRITION MAIDEN 1600 ZEDTAC (L Allpress) – Trainer Ms JJ Rayner advised Stewards, she was satisfied with the post-race condition of the mare, and it is her intention to continue on with ZEDTAC’S current preparation. JJ Rayner further advised she will also look to apply ...

Riverton Racing Club – Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Race 8 INSURANCE BROKERS ALLIANCE / WESTERN ELECTRICAL 2147m OLAF (C Campbell) – Trainer Ms. S McKay advised Stewards, she was satisfied with the post-race condition of OLAF, however, after backing the gelding up at the Wairio JC meeting on Sunday 15 May, S McKay further advised that OLAF has ...

9 May – 15 May

Rider Penalties B Herd | Non raceday dated 9 May; failed to ride trackwork free of prohibited substance; suspended 16 March – 6 May inclusive with costs of $187.50 to RIB. S Khetoo | Riverton 11 May; excessive use of whip; suspended 16-21 May inclusive and fined $500. D Bothamley | ...