Driver PenaltiesÂ
N Chilcott | Auckland 29 June; careless driving; suspended 30 June – 14 July inclusive.Â
R Holmes | NZ Metropolitan 30 June; use of whip; suspended 3-13 July inclusive.Â
M Shirley | Winton 30 June; medical clearance required.Â
J Dunn | NZ Metropolitan 2 July; ...
Driver PenaltiesÂ
F Schumacher | Waikato Bay of Plenty 22 June; careless driving; fined $250.Â
R Cameron | NZ Metropolitan 19 June (heard NZ Metropolitan 23 June); use of whip; suspended 26 June – 7 July inclusive.Â
W Rich | NZ Metropolitan 23 June; use of whip; suspended 26 June – 25 ...
Driver Penalties
A Harrison | Auckland 15 June; use of whip; suspended 16 June – 6 July inclusive.
A Sharpe | Auckland 15 June; use of whip; fined $300.
M Perriton | Auckland 15 June; medical clearance required.
P Nairn | NZ Metropolitan 16 June; use of whip; suspended 17 June – ...
Driver Penalties
J Robinson | Auckland 8 June; careless driving; suspended 9-22 June inclusive.
C Ferguson | Invercargill 20 May (heard Invercargill 9 June); breach of push out rule; fined $200.
D Anderson | Invercargill 5 June (heard Invercargill 9 June); careless driving; ...
Driver Penalties
B Mangos | Waikato Bay of Plenty 27 April (heard Auckland 2 June); improper driving; suspended 3 June – 14 July inclusive.
B Orange | Ashburton 4 June; careless driving; suspended 12-17 June inclusive.
T Grant | Ashburton 4 June; failed to activate gear; fined ...
Driver Penalties
D McGowan | Auckland 26 May; use of whip; suspended 27 May – 20 July inclusive.
T Larsen | Invercargill 20 May (heard Winton 27 May); use of whip; fined $250.
N Chalmers | Timaru 28 May; use of whip; suspended 29 May – 28 July inclusive.
G Sinnamon | Timaru 28 ...
Driver Penalties
M White | Waikato Bay of Plenty 18 May; careless driving; suspended 20 May – 2 June inclusive.
R Paynter | Waikato Bay of Plenty 18 May; use of whip; fined $300.
M McKendry | Auckland 19 May; careless driving; suspended 27 May – 29 June inclusive.
T Chmiel | NZ ...
Driver Penalties
L Hibell | Waikato Bay of Plenty 11 May; failed to take all reasonable and permissible measures; suspended 12 May – 2 June inclusive and fined $150.
N Delany | Waikato Bay of Plenty 11 May; careless driving; suspended 12-19 May inclusive and fined $200.
A Edge | ...
The New Zealand Equine Veterinary Association (NZEVA) has recently amended the withholding times (WHT's) for prohibited substances for horses.
The purpose of the WHT list is to ensure that when a horse is treated by a veterinarian, both owners and trainers have confidence to compete in ...
Driver Penalties
W House | Ashburton 24 April; out of position at start; fined $100.
D Ferguson | Waikato Bay of Plenty 27 April; use of whip (2 charges); suspended 5 May – 15 June inclusive.
M Ranger | Waikato Bay of Plenty 27 April; failed to take all reasonable and permissible ...
Driver Penalties
K Cox | NZ Metropolitan 20 April; use of whip; fined $300.
M Purdon | Auckland 21 April; use of whip; suspended 22 April – 14 May inclusive and fined $300.
A Poutama | Auckland 21 April; out of position at start; fined $200.
M Purdon | Auckland 21 April; out of ...
Driver Penalties
T Williams | NZ Metropolitan 8 April (heard Banks Peninsula 10 April); forcing inside runner onto track markers; fined $300.
R Holmes | NZ Metropolitan 8 April (heard Banks Peninsula 10 April); contacting track marker; fined $200.
S O’Sullivan | Banks Peninsula 10 ...