Trainer Penalties
K Lincoln-Papuni | Palmerston North 12 July; weight offence; fined $100.
K Lincoln-Papuni | Palmerston North 12 July; weight offence; fined $150.
M Goodier | Palmerston North 12 July; failed to scratch greyhound by required time; fined $150.
M Goodier | ...
Greyhound – News In Brief
Trainer Penalty
M Grant | Christchurch 28 May (heard Riccarton 26 June); misconduct; fined $1,200.
Dog Penalty
BIG TIME AUBREY | Palmerston North 5 July; unsatisfactory performance; must complete trial.
The Wanganui GRC meeting scheduled for 7 July was abandoned ...
Trainer Penalty
L Cole | Auckland 13 June (heard Wanganui 2 July); weight offences (2 charges); fined $850.
Dog Penalty
LUCKY SCAR | Wanganui 2 July; marring (2nd offence); stood down for 3 months and must complete trial.
Trainer / Handler Penalty
T Agent & K Williams | Wanganui 23 June; weight offence; fined $150.
Dog Penalty
ARNIE JEWEL | Christchurch 25 June; marring; stood down for 28 days and must complete trial.
The Wanganui GRC meeting of 23 June was abandoned after Race 8 due to a ...
Trainer / Handler Penalties
Secretary/Manager T Music | Christchurch 14 June (heard Christchurch 17 June); failed to scratch runner by prescribed time; fined $150.
J McInerney | Wanganui 18 June; weight offence; fined $150.
Dog Penalties
BLUEY | Wanganui 16 June; failed to pursue the lure; ...
Trainer / Handler Penalty
R Wales | Christchurch 8 June; non eligible nomination; fined $100.
Dog Penalties
DE BLONDE | Wanganui 9 June; unsatisfactory performance; must complete trial.
MURMUR | Auckland 13 June; failed to pursue the lure (2nd offence); stood down for 3 months and must ...
Dog Penalties
AGENT ANNIE | Palmerston North 31 May; failed to pursue the lure; stood down for 28 days and must complete trial.
ZIPPING DEREK | Waikato 3 June; failed to pursue the lure; stood down for 28 days and must complete trial.
Race 7 Wanganui GRC meeting of 4 June was ...