Waikato TR 16 January 2025 – R1 – Matt Cartwright

ID: RIB50721

Matt Cartwright - Jockey

Mr B Jones - Senior Stipendiary Steward

Mr G Jones and Mrs H Gray

Persons Present:
Mr B Jones, Mr M Cartwright

Information Number:

Decision Type:
Race Related Charge

Careless Riding

638(1)(d) - Riding/driving infringement


Animal Name:


Race Date:

Race Club:
Waikato Thoroughbred Racing

Race Location:
Te Rapa Racecourse - Te Rapa Road, Hamilton, 3200

Race Number:

Hearing Date:

Hearing Location:
Te Rapa

Outcome: Proved

Penalty: Class A Rider Matt Cartwright is suspended for 5 days


Following the running of Race 1, Class A Rider Mr Matt Cartwright, admitted a charge of careless riding in that he permitted his mount PENMAN to shift inwards when not sufficiently clear of MOSCHINO (G Rooke), which was dictated inwards, crowding and checking THINK I GOT CHA (R Elliot) and PIXIE (T Newman) passing the 1200 metres.   

At the commencement of the hearing, Mr Cartwright confirmed that he admitted the charge and that he understood the nature of the breach.

Rule 638(1)(d) provides: A Rider shall not ride a horse in a manner which the Adjudicative Committee considers to be careless.

Using the available race films, Stipendiary Steward Mr Dooley demonstrated the incident and identified the horses named in the Information.

Mr Dooley said that PENMAN jumped from barrier 11 at the 1400 metre start.  He said Mr Cartwright commenced an inward shift and approaching the 1200-metre mark, he shifted in when not clear of MOSCHINO.  As a result, MOSCHINO had to be steadied and was dictated inwards and crowded THINK I GOT CHA and PIXIE, who were both checked to varying degrees.  At the time of the inward shift, PENMAN was no more than 3/4 of a length clear of MOSCHINO.

In response, Mr Cartwright said that said “I haven’t actually crossed MOSCHINO and there was a bit of room on my inside when I crossed.”  He added that most of the checks suffered by the affected horses, occurred before he fully crossed.


As the Respondent admitted the charge, the Adjudicative Committee finds it to be proved.

Submissions for Penalty

Senior Stipendiary Steward Mr Jones advised that this is Mr Cartwright’s third breach for careless riding from 264 race rides, since he commenced riding in New Zealand in August 2024. His most recent breach occurred at Te Aroha JC on 8 December 2024 and resulted in a 4-day suspension. His riding record, with regards to careless riding breaches, was not available.

Mr Jones advised that Stewards assessed Mr Cartwright’s level of carelessness to be in the low to mid-range, which has a 6-day suspension as its starting point.

Mr Cartwright advised of riding engagements through until after racing on 25 January 2025 and sought a deferment to any proposed suspension. He had nothing further to add in terms of penalty submissions.

Reasons for Penalty

After considering the submissions and reviewing the race films, the Adjudicative Committee determined the level of carelessness to be in the low to mid-range and adopted a 6-day suspension as the starting point. This takes into account the fact that although the actual shift was low-range, there were resultant consequences to three horses, who were either checked or hampered to varying degrees.

The race films clearly demonstrate that Mr Cartwright, whose mount jumped from a wide barrier, was looking to cross into a handy position nearing the 1200 metre mark. The films show that he looked across 3 or 4 times during the shift.   When PENMAN crossed MOSCHINO, it was not the required distance clear of that runner (i.e. his own length and one other).  The interference suffered by both THINK I GOT CHA and PIXIE was a direct result of MOSCHINO being dictated inwards by PENMAN, thus blame rests with the actions of Mr Cartwright, despite his belief that “most the checks” suffered by THINK I GOT CHA and PIXIE, had occurred prior to him completing the inward shift.

Therefore, after considering all of the factors, including Mr Cartwright’s culpability, his record and admission of the breach, the Adjudicative Committee afforded him a one day reduction from the 6-day starting point and imposed a 5-day suspension.


Mr Cartwright’s request for a deferment is granted and his Licence to ride in races is suspended for a period of 5 days, commencing on 26 January 2025 and concluding after racing on 2 February 2025 (inclusive).

Decision Date: 16/01/2025

Publish Date: 17/01/2025