Auckland TC 13 December 2024 – R9 (heard 20 December 2024 at Alexandra Park) – Monika Ranger

ID: RIB49667

Monika Ranger - Junior Driver

Mr N McIntyre - Chief Steward

Mr G Jones and Mr I McHardy

Persons Present:
Mr McIntyre, Ms Ranger, Mr Z Butcher (assisting)

Information Number:

Decision Type:
Race Related Charge

Fails to maintain straight line

R 869(4) - Riding/driving infringement - Passing Lane Regs


Animal Name:


Race Date:

Race Club:
Auckland Trotting Club

Race Location:
Alexandra Park - Cnr Greenlane West & Manukau Road Greenlane, Auckland, 1051

Race Number:

Hearing Date:

Hearing Location:
Alexandra Park

Outcome: Proved

Penalty: Junior Driver Monika Ranger is fined $250


Following the running of Race 9,  at the Auckland TC meeting on 13 December 2024, Stewards opened and adjourned an investigation concerning the drive of Junior Driver Ms M Ranger (SPIRITED PEGGY).  Following the investigation, an Information was filed by Chief Steward Mr McIntyre pursuant to Rule 869(4) and Home Straight Regulations.

The charge was heard prior to Race 1 at the Auckland TC meeting on 20 December 2024.

Particulars of the Charge

The Respondent, Junior Driver Ms M Ranger, admitted a charge that, as the Driver of SPIRITED PEGGY, she failed to maintain a straight course in the run home, and shifted into the passing lane in the run home in that she allowed her mare to shift into the passing lane early in the run home forcing SEA of LOVE (T MacFarlane) over the track markers.  

Ms Ranger was supported at the hearing by Senior Driver Mr Z Butcher.

Rule 869(4) and Home Straight Regulations provide that:

(4) No driver shall during any race do anything which interferes or is likely to interfere with his own horse and/or any other horse or its progress.

The Passing Lanes, False Rails and Home Straight Regulations provide:

  1. In the last lap of any race the leading horse on the running line shall, upon entering the home straight, maintain as straight a course as possible parallel to the running line and allow the trailing horses full access to the expanded inside lane.
  2. On any track where the expanded inside lane is designated by the Board as a dual passing lane, the first horse attempting to utilise the expanded inside lane shall take the run available immediately inside the leading horse on the running line thereby allowing trailing horses full access to the remainder of the expanded inside lane.
  3. Subject to clause 4 hereof, in the last lap of any race no horse shall move inwards into the expanded inside lane (or any part thereof) when it has an unimpeded run to the finish line.
  4. Except where a driver is making a move pursuant to Rule 869(7) and subject to the preceding provisions of this regulation where applicable, every horse shall upon entering the home straight prior to the finish maintain as straight a course as possible to the finish line.
  5. Failure to comply with clauses 4 and/or 5 and/or 6 and/or 7 hereof shall be deemed a breach of Rule 869(4) of the NZ Rules of Harness Racing in respect of which Rules 1003 and 869A apply.


Mr McIntyre, showed video replays of the final stages of the race, from the bend into the home straight.  The front-on films were the most helpful.  He pointed out that LOU WILL (T Cameron) was the lead horse rounding the home turn, with SPIRITED PEGGY (M Ranger) trailing.  Three back behind SPIRITED PEGGY, was SEA OF LOVE (T MacFarlane). Prior to reaching the passing lane, Ms Ranger established SPIRITED PEGGY inside of LOU WILL, who raced greenly around the final bend into the straight and shifted outwards.  Mr McIntyre said that as a result, SEA OF LOVE was entitled to take the run that was made available on the passing lane.  He said SPIRITED PEGGY failed to maintain a straight line and shifted downwards into the passing lane, forcing SEA OF LOVE inside track markers nearing the 150 metres.

Mr McIntyre said that Ms Ranger was not entitled to shift into the passing lane and had an obligation to maintain a straight course and allow other trailing runner(s) full access to the passing lane.

On behalf of Ms Ranger, Mr Butcher said that she freely admits that she made a mistake.  He said that this was the first time she had found herself in this position in a race and thought that she was entitled to shift into the passing lane.  He added that she corrected her horse as soon as she realised that Mr MacFarlane’s drive had been forced over the markers.


Ms Ranger has admitted the charge. It is therefore deemed to be proved.


Mr McIntyre said that Ms Ranger has a clear record, (from 140 drives this season), under the Rule and that Stewards assessed the breach as being in the low-level category. He added that although SEA OF LOVE was forced inside the track marker, its chances were not adversely affected, as there was no loss of momentum and it finished in third place.  Therefore, the incident did not impact on the final result.

The Penalty Guide starting point for a low-level breach of Rule 869(4) is a $300 fine or 2-day suspension.  Mr McIntyre suggested that a fine would be an appropriate penalty.

Mr Butcher said that Ms Ranger has a number of good driving opportunities pending over the next few weeks and would prefer a fine rather than a suspension. Mr Bucher also said that as a Junior Driver, Ms Ranger will learn from this experience.


For a low level, first offence under this Rule, the Penalty Guide suggests either a 2 day suspension or $300 fine as the penalty starting point.

The Adjudicative Committee’s assessment of the breach is that it is at the low end. Clearly, SPIRITED PEGGY did shift into the passing lane nearing the 150 metres, resulting in SEA OF LOVE being forced into the marker pegs, but that horse’s chances of finishing in a better position, were not necessarily adversely affected.  It finished the race off strongly into third place and SPIRITED PEGGY weakened and finished sixth.

In consideration of the circumstances and submissions, Ms Ranger was afforded a $50 reduction from the $300 starting point, for her good record and admission of the breach.


Junior Driver Ms Ranger is fined $250.

Decision Date: 20/12/2024

Publish Date: 23/12/2024